Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Talent recruitment and development

“A key leadership role is to nurture the company’s future and to find and develop those who will run the company in the future.”

Developing managers and employees is a priority of our company. Through our training and development programs we deliver value to our managers and employees. The culture in Vivechrom S.A is characterized by many as truly entrepreneurial with strong customer focus and a cooperative spirit. Therefore we continue to improve on our people focus in our company.

We want to ensure that our talent focus in and outside our company gets the same high level of recognition as our products and services do. In fact, all of us have to continually produce the talent necessary to deliver customer solutions, today and in the future. Talent development is therefore a key driver for our company.

In order to be successful in this ambition, we have established best practices in human resources management in Vivechrom S.A.. A worldwide performance appraisal process: our Performance & Development Dialog, a worldwide employee satisfaction survey and a worldwide process for leadership succession planning. Embedded into these processes are key behaviors that define our culture and our success.

Those are: customer focus, results orientation, quality commitment, teamwork, innovation and the commitment to our values. Last but not least, our management has a key role to play in driving our culture. Therefore their focus is on managing performance, developing our people and on stimulating an open climate in their teams and in the company.

You can send your resume here:

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