Vivechrom adds colour to SOS Villages

By offering financial support and volunteer work to the SOS Children’s Village in Vari near Athens, Let’s Colour has once again contributed to a vision of community service. However, we haven’t stopped there. We know how important skill development is, which is why our employees shared some of their skills with young people from the Village.

Voluntary work and financial support

This family-based care center consists of 11 families who are offering love and support to about 50 children who are no longer able to live with their parents. Our aim was to provide a healthier and safer living environment that would inspire children to become happy, young people. With the help of 20 AkzoNobel volunteers, Vivechrom added color to the entire complex.

The metal fences, rails of the balconies of the 12 houses and the office building in Vari were completely renovated. Additionally, the 200 square meters of the interior was painted. By the end of the renovation, the complex in Vari, known as the home of love – became the home of hope too!

We paint with a smile

We create a happy environment

If you want to go far, you have to do it together, with a partner. That is why Vivechrom supported SOS Children’s Village in Vari on their mission to help young people in need.

“Our purpose was to give color to the everyday life of children living in the Village and to help achieve one of the main goals of SOS Children’s Villages: to provide children in need with a happy environment in which they can ‘flourish'”, said Mr. Makis Provatas, CEO of Vivechrom and head of AkzoNobel Deco Paints for Central and Southern Europe.

During painting

Voluntary work

This action would not have been accomplished without the valuable help of our volunteer employees, who helped to add even more colour to the lives of children, Mr Provatas added. Togetherness is the key to success.

Vivechrom's volunteers

Visit to Vivechrom's premises

Education is the foundation of a prosperous life, therefore, we offered 16 young people from SOS Children’s Village in Vari an opportunity to learn and grow. Their visit to Vivechrom S.A. Decorative Paint site in Elfesis had a goal to enrich them with valuable skills through organized training sessions. They had the opportunity to learn more about health & safety at a workplace, life-saving rules, and various paint and color related topics. Additionally, they visited a factory where they got to learn more about the paint production process.

Taking a tour around the factory


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