red kitchen with ladder

3 Quick Fixes to Update Your Kitchen

Looking for a kitchen refresh? Don’t rip up anything just yet.

Ever wondered why everyone always ends up in the kitchen at parties? That’s because the kitchen is the heart of the home. Not only does it have to be functional to suit everyday family life (homework, chaotic breakfast times and weekend baking included), but we want it to look good too, particularly for social occasions. We spend so much time in the kitchen, it’s only right that we give it a bit of TLC every now and then.

Feeling like a refresh is in order? Don’t rip anything out just yet, try these easy upcycling tricks to give your kitchen a brand new look first.

1. Cupboard love


Difficulty rating: Not too tricky

Time: A weekend

Are your cupboard fronts the stuff of kitchen nightmares? No fear! Rejuvenating the units themselves with a fresh lick of paint will instantly uplift your space and give it a more contemporary, light and airy feel. Try a fresh white for a sleek and sleek look, or a soft neutral or pretty pastel for a cosier, more traditional feel. 

For any glass fronted cupboards, try painting the inside in a different colour to the outside, transforming it into a cabinet of curiosities – it’ll encourage you to keep your ingredients in order too!

Find out how to paint your kitchen cabinets here.

2. Hip to dip


Difficulty rating: Easier than it looks

Time: One day

If you want to reflect the perfect dining space to entertain friends and family then refreshing a few chairs with a little paint to match your table will instantly make it more welcoming particularly in an open plan space. Watch our video for the how to. Use Aquachrom Eco and finish the look with a soft rug underfoot.

3. Climb the ladder


Difficulty rating: Easy-peasy

Time: A few hours

Space is often at a premium so modern kitchens need to work even harder to make things function well to meet our needs. Try transforming a plain wooden ladder with a touch of paint and hang all your kitchen utensils so they’re always close to hand. Use a cool white or grey against a gorgeous red colour and you’ve got a striking wall display as well as a practical storage unit that fits into awkward spaces.

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